Source code for yass.geometry

Functions for parsing geometry data
import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

def _parse_txt(path, n_channels):
    """Parse a geometry file in txt format
    f = open(path)
    lines = f.readlines()

    geom = np.zeros((0, 2))

    for i, line in zip(range(n_channels), lines):
        line = line.replace('\r', '')
        line = line.replace('\n', '')
        row = line.split(' ')
        geom = np.vstack((geom, row[:2])).astype('float')

    return geom

[docs]def parse(path, n_channels): """ Parse a geometry txt (one x, y pair per line, separated by spaces) or a npy file with shape (n_channels, 2), where every row contains a x, y pair path: str Path to geometry file n_channels: int Number of channels Returns ------- numpy.ndarray 2-dimensional numpy array where each row contains the x, y coordinates for a channel Examples -------- .. code-block:: python from yass import geometry geom = geometry.parse('path/to/geom.npy', n_channels=500) geom = geometry.parse('path/to/geom.txt', n_channels=500) """ # TODO: infer the number of channels by the number of lines extension = path.split('.')[-1] if extension == 'txt': geom = _parse_txt(path, n_channels) elif extension == 'npy': geom = np.load(path) else: raise ValueError('Invalid file: {} extension not supported' .format(extension)) read_channels, _ = geom.shape if read_channels != n_channels: raise ValueError('Expected {} channels, but read {}' .format(n_channels, read_channels)) return geom
[docs]def find_channel_neighbors(geom, radius): """Compute a neighbors matrix by using a radius Parameters ---------- geom: np.array Array with the cartesian coordinates for the channels radius: float Maximum radius for the channels to be considered neighbors Returns ------- numpy.ndarray (n_channels, n_channels) Symmetric boolean matrix with the i, j as True if the ith and jth channels are considered neighbors """ return (squareform(pdist(geom)) <= radius)
[docs]def n_steps_neigh_channels(neighbors_matrix, steps): """Compute a neighbors matrix by considering neighbors of neighbors Parameters ---------- neighbors_matrix: numpy.ndarray Neighbors matrix steps: int Number of steps to still consider channels as neighbors Returns ------- numpy.ndarray (n_channels, n_channels) Symmetric boolean matrix with the i, j as True if the ith and jth channels are considered neighbors """ C = neighbors_matrix.shape[0] # each channel is its own neighbor (diagonal of trues) output = np.eye(C, dtype='bool') # for every step for _ in range(steps): # go trough every channel for current in range(C): # neighbors of the current channel neighbors_current = output[current] # get the neighbors of all the neighbors of the current channel neighbors_of_neighbors = neighbors_matrix[neighbors_current] # sub over rows and convert to bool, this will turn to true entries # where at least one of the neighbors has each channel as its # neighbor is_neighbor_of_neighbor = np.sum(neighbors_of_neighbors, axis=0).astype('bool') # set the channels that are neighbors to true output[current][is_neighbor_of_neighbor] = True return output
# TODO: add documentation # TODO: remove n_channels, we can infer it from neighbors or geom
[docs]def make_channel_groups(n_channels, neighbors, geom): """[DESCRIPTION] Parameters ---------- n_channels: int Number of channels neighbors: numpy.ndarray Neighbors matrix geom: numpy.ndarray geometry matrix Returns ------- list List of channel groups based on [?] """ channel_groups = list() c_left = np.array(range(n_channels)) neighChan_temp = np.array(neighbors) while len(c_left) > 0: c_tops = c_left[geom[c_left, 1] == np.max(geom[c_left, 1])] c_topleft = c_tops[np.argmin(geom[c_tops, 0])] c_group = np.where( np.sum(neighChan_temp[neighChan_temp[c_topleft]], 0))[0] neighChan_temp[c_group, :] = 0 neighChan_temp[:, c_group] = 0 for c in c_group: c_left = np.delete(c_left, int(np.where(c_left == c)[0])) channel_groups.append(c_group) return channel_groups
[docs]def order_channels_by_distance(reference, channels, geom): """Order channels by distance using certain channel as reference Parameters ---------- reference: int Reference channel channels: np.ndarray Channels to order geom Geometry matrix Returns ------- numpy.ndarray 1D array with the channels ordered by distance using the reference channels numpy.ndarray 1D array with the indexes for the ordered channels """ coord_main = geom[reference] coord_others = geom[channels] idx = np.argsort(np.sum(np.square(coord_others - coord_main), axis=1)) return channels[idx], idx
[docs]def make_channel_index(neighbors, channel_geometry, steps=1): """ Compute an array whose whose ith row contains the ordered (by distance) neighbors for the ith channel """ C, C2 = neighbors.shape if C != C2: raise ValueError('neighbors is not a square matrix, verify') # get neighbors matrix neighbors = n_steps_neigh_channels(neighbors, steps=steps) # max number of neighbors for all channels n_neighbors = np.max(np.sum(neighbors, 0)) # FIXME: we are using C as a dummy value which is confusing, it may # be better to use something else, maybe np.nan # initialize channel index, initially with a dummy C value (a channel) # that does not exists channel_index = np.ones((C, n_neighbors), 'int32') * C # fill every row in the matrix (one per channel) for current in range(C): # indexes of current channel neighbors neighbor_channels = np.where(neighbors[current])[0] # sort them by distance ch_idx, _ = order_channels_by_distance(current, neighbor_channels, channel_geometry) # fill entries with the sorted neighbor indexes channel_index[current, :ch_idx.shape[0]] = ch_idx return channel_index
# def random_channel_with_max_neighbors(channel_index): # logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # channel_n_neighbors = np.sum(neighbors, 0) # max_neighbors = np.max(channel_n_neighbors) # channels_with_max_neighbors = np.where(channel_n_neighbors # == max_neighbors)[0] # logger.debug('The following channels have %i neighbors: %s', # max_neighbors, channels_with_max_neighbors) # # reference channel: channel with max number of neighbors # channel_selected = np.random.choice(channels_with_max_neighbors) # logger.debug('Selected channel %i', channel_selected) # # neighbors for the reference channel # channel_neighbors = np.where(neighbors[channel_selected])[0] # # ordered neighbors for reference channel # channel_idx, _ = order_channels_by_distance(channel_selected, # channel_neighbors, # geom)